Cookie Policy

Our web site uses cookies and other tracking technologies to give you the best experience on our web site. You can find out more on cookies and how we use them below. For further information on the processing of your personal data by Beko Europe Management SRL, please read our Privacy Notice.

Cookie – cookies are small text files that we may store on your computer to help us identify your computer the next time you visit or to enable some functions on our web sites. Cookies are classified within the following categories:

Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. However, you can change settings in order to block cookies from being sent to your device or to enable receiving only some categories. Please be aware that if navigation or functional cookies are disabled or removed, not all features of the website may operate as intended. To manage and disable cookies please follow the instructions provided in the chart below.

Web beacons – web beacons are miniscule electronic image files that can be embedded within a web page or included in an e-mail message, and are usually invisible to the human eye. When used, web beacons (also known as “clear GIFs“ or ”tracking pixels”) may tell us such things as: how many people are coming to our web sites, whether they are one-time or repeat visitors, which pages they’ve viewed and for how long, how well certain online advertising campaigns are converting, and other similar web site usage data. When used in an e-mail, web beacons can tell us the time the e-mail was opened, if and how many times it was forwarded, and what links users click on from within the e-mail message. Based on this information, we can adjust the content, products, services, and promotions we provide you to better meet your interests, services, and/or special offers in which you may be interested.

Log Files – these are files that record web activity and gather non-personal statistics about your visit to or use of our web sites. Log files may help us capture, among other things: (i) your IP Address, which is a unique set of numbers assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) (note that, depending on your ISP, the number assigned to your computer can be different every time you connect to the Internet); (ii) the type of browser and operating system you use; and, (iii) other information about your online session, such as the URL you came from to get to our web site and the date and time you visited our web site. In addition to using this information to better understand how our websites are used, we may use information captured through log files such as an IP Address (together with your personal information) to troubleshoot technical problems, maintain online safety and security, and if necessary, prohibit or restrict access to our Online Services by certain users.

We reserve the right to change or update this Privacy and Cookie Notice at any time and all changes we may make in the future will be posted on this page. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to this Privacy and Cookie Notice. You will find the date of the last update at the top of this page.

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